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Debate: Controlled Digital Lending

Thursday, August 19
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Proposition: Libraries should be allowed to circulate digitized copies of physical works in their collections through Controlled Digital Lending.

Should libraries be allowed to lend digital copies of physical books in their collections? Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) is a legal theory that would allow libraries to do just that. But CDL raises novel legal questions that have never been decided by a court, and experts are divided on whether the untested legal theory is permissible under current copyright law and policy. In this session, the audience will get to hear from leading scholars arguing for and against the proposition, and then vote on which side has the more persuasive arguments.

Debate: Controlled Digital Lending



Dave Hansen

Associate University Librarian and Lead Copyright & Information Policy Officer, Duke University

Devlin Hartline

Legal Fellow, Hudson Institute


Julie Rose

Broadcast Journalist, Host of “Top of Mind,” BYU Radio